When Did Your Journey Begin????

When was the first time you said to yourself: wow, I'm a mom? Was it the first time you held your baby? Or soothed away her tears? Maybe it was when you realized how much better your home office looks as a nursery.

It's different for every woman and can happen at any time, but every mother has a moment when, all of a sudden, it hits you and you truly understand what it feels like to be a mom.

When was your moment? When, all of a sudden, everything felt different. And you looked at the world with a brand new life, as a completely different person – through the eyes of a mother.

It might have been when you felt the first kick, or maybe it was months after bringing her home. It's different for every woman.....

Where great joy is accompanied by immense responsibility, and what you now look for in a purse is its ability to double as a diaper bag.

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