Yesterday, May 11, 2008 --- Oh what a windy and rainy day it was yesterday but regardless of the weather nothing can't stop that all the mothers including myself celebrates our special day every year. Well, as for me, I am so happy and grateful that I am a mother of two beautiful girls and I can truly say, that I am a proud MOMMA at all times, in all place and in all things! Hooray to myself. I was very treated so good yesterday it was kind of funny I always made an excuse to my husband that he needs to change the diapers because yesterday was my day off and also make some breakfast etc I told them it's mother's day and it's my day. He baked some chocolate cake for me and my oldest daughter put some candles and blow. She always likes it. My husband is the best baker into our family he always makes delicious cake and I am proud of him. He baked the cake last night but during the morning regardless of the weather we went to church as always our Sunday routine always worship God and fellowship church members you know Sunday is only once a week the Lord ask only one day for him of the seven days so that's one of my favorite day of the week that I am always looking forward and my daughters also it's good to know that they appreciate it and likes it too. So, we took off around 7:20a.m and came home 1:10p.m. yesterday it was still rainy and windy in other words this year's mother's day it was not a sunny day unlike last year or most of the year hear in ILLINOIS and I don't know the other States or country if how was their day yesterday. Anyway, one of my church friend in Primary since I work with the children during Sunday she does and she was the leader she told me her husband kind of made a joke to her that this year's mother's day it's a bad weather it means there might be a lot of mothers who are bad? hahahahahahaha...And I told her " Oh no we need to repent and change that way next year will be a good weather" Agree or Disagree? Anyway, our branch president bought some flowers for all the mothers at the branch to take home after church that was nice of him he thinks all of us moms at the branch and I personally appreciates it of what he does last year he made a card for us. So, it is really nice to get some special treats once a year from our husband, other people, families, relatives and friends. But before I forgot also I called my MAMA to the Philippines and greeted her a Happy MAMA's Day also around 2:30 a.m. After that motion sickness I felt last Saturday after when I had a ride with that catapult I've got my rest when we came home and I woke up around 10:30pm of Saturday and did not went back to sleep after we came home from church around 2:00p.m. of yesterday...Can you imagine I was awake from 10:30p.m of Saturday until 2:00p.m. of Sunday I was a SUPER POWER MOMMA yesterday I wonder why? It was because it's my day and I took a lots of pictures different faces of me as a mother and it represents how happy I am and enjoy it.
All, I can say motherhood is always a special gift for me and endless sacrifice but worth it every single thing out of it. Every pains, tears, sadness, happiness and most of all works and sacrifices are all worthwhile and great achievements in life that every woman has to desire and get it. There is no one perfect way to be a good mother, Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. The choice are different and unique for each mother and each family. Many are able to be "full-time momma," at least during the most formative years of their children's lives, and many others would like to be. Some may have to work part- or full-time; some may work at home; some may divide their lives into periods of home and family and work.
What matters is? that a MOTHER LOVES her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above else. We need to remember that the full commitment of motherhood and of putting children fist can be difficult. There are moments of great joy and incredible fulfillment, but there are also moments of a sense of inadequacy, monotony, and frustrations.
Mothers may feel they receive little or no appreciation for the choice they have made. Sometimes even husbands seem to have no idea of the demands upon their wives.
All I can say, I and You as a MOMMA, has a special role into this world to fulfill! Be happy and embrace the beauty of the motherhood.
Until next time...Here's some pictures that I took yesterday! Enjoy! Until next time...
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