Hmmmmmmmmmm....I don't know what to say but all I know and feel that I am really so tired as in to the max. We went to the church today and I am out of energy it is probably because yesterday I went to bed so late around 3:00AM which is already Sunday and which is not good. I need to break this bad habit of going to bed so late and also Tisha went to bed so late and she was sleeping at the church which is not also good just like MISTY to think Saturday and Sunday is my favorite days. Anyway, good thing tonight we had a good supper my dear husband make some mash potatoes, peas and burger steak so I am energized now makes my tummy full and the other reason why am I also so tired yesterday because it was raining, windy and cold here it feels like still winter and so most of the day we stayed home and waiting for Sunday and today again same thing yesterday so cold until now we are still using our fireplace which is compare to last year we stopped using our fireplace at the end of March because it was started warm and I think this year it is kind of late for Spring...HUH!!! So hard to tell when is the weather it is going to be warm? All I can say my favorite season of the year is SPRING because everything will be turning to GREEN especially the dead trees will come to alive. It is kind of funny the first time when I came over here last March 2, 2004 I still remember I ask Brad " Are all of those trees were dead? " LOL..And Brad said nope they are just resting and you will be surprise in a few months they will come to alive! And yes he is right! All I can say, God's power is so marvelous and no man can ever compete with it and indeed he is a mighty king of all creations. Glad to know that and be grateful for everything what he made each day!
Well, I guess sometimes, being a MOMMA, will wears me out and sometimes there are times in our life that to we need to be recharge again like cellphones if batteries are low-batt or dead needs to be recharge in order to use it again. So, just mother needs to be recharge over and over again. Sometimes kids can really wears me out especially I have to do everything like giving bath, feed them, prepare their meals, read them, teach them and most especially pick up their toys which I have to do that every single day because they always love to scattered it everywhere here at the house and I have to find it everyday sometimes my oldest daughter helps me picking and cleaning up and put them in place and sometimes she just said MOMMA, I am tired I can't help you! HUH! What a good excuse? Anyway, but still worth it to be a MOMMA.
For me, my biggest role as a MOMMA is to teach my children with good principles in life while they are young because they will remember those good teachings while they grow! And also I do believe that the best teacher to my children's life it should be ME first and here at HOME then later on the outside party. And also I teach them and I have to learn them also of what is inside their hearts and minds. I may not be the best teacher but I will try harder enough to be a good mother and teacher.
Anyway, to all those mothers out there I encourage you to be the first teacher and learner to your children and they will appreciate it and give thanks to you!
Until next time again...Enjoy!
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