As I search today on the net for earning income opportunity I came across to this site called freebie force the one place on the internet where you can get free products of high value AND make HUGE money on doing it! So, before I decided to join the program I search in google first and I read a lot of good feedbacks so I decided to sign up which is $9.95 a month and you can cancel anytime. I tell you what it's way worth it and I urge anyone to join just click that link or copy and paste that link for a free tour. I already got back the $9.95 for one month I've got free wireless mouse which cost me nothing and free shipping it's free and plus other free stuffs that I've requested and one thing good about this you can earn money too while you recruit other people to join under your downline that's what I'm doing right now I'm promoting here...So.. please sign up now and take a tour and you won't regret instead you will be thankful and glad you did it! So, see you all in my group!
The Many Faces of Me---Happy Mother's Day To Myself---

Yesterday, May 11, 2008 --- Oh what a windy and rainy day it was yesterday but regardless of the weather nothing can't stop that all the mothers including myself celebrates our special day every year. Well, as for me, I am so happy and grateful that I am a mother of two beautiful girls and I can truly say, that I am a proud MOMMA at all times, in all place and in all things! Hooray to myself. I was very treated so good yesterday it was kind of funny I always made an excuse to my husband that he needs to change the diapers because yesterday was my day off and also make some breakfast etc I told them it's mother's day and it's my day. He baked some chocolate cake for me and my oldest daughter put some candles and blow. She always likes it. My husband is the best baker into our family he always makes delicious cake and I am proud of him. He baked the cake last night but during the morning regardless of the weather we went to church as always our Sunday routine always worship God and fellowship church members you know Sunday is only once a week the Lord ask only one day for him of the seven days so that's one of my favorite day of the week that I am always looking forward and my daughters also it's good to know that they appreciate it and likes it too. So, we took off around 7:20a.m and came home 1:10p.m. yesterday it was still rainy and windy in other words this year's mother's day it was not a sunny day unlike last year or most of the year hear in ILLINOIS and I don't know the other States or country if how was their day yesterday. Anyway, one of my church friend in Primary since I work with the children during Sunday she does and she was the leader she told me her husband kind of made a joke to her that this year's mother's day it's a bad weather it means there might be a lot of mothers who are bad? hahahahahahaha...And I told her " Oh no we need to repent and change that way next year will be a good weather" Agree or Disagree? Anyway, our branch president bought some flowers for all the mothers at the branch to take home after church that was nice of him he thinks all of us moms at the branch and I personally appreciates it of what he does last year he made a card for us. So, it is really nice to get some special treats once a year from our husband, other people, families, relatives and friends. But before I forgot also I called my MAMA to the Philippines and greeted her a Happy MAMA's Day also around 2:30 a.m. After that motion sickness I felt last Saturday after when I had a ride with that catapult I've got my rest when we came home and I woke up around 10:30pm of Saturday and did not went back to sleep after we came home from church around 2:00p.m. of yesterday...Can you imagine I was awake from 10:30p.m of Saturday until 2:00p.m. of Sunday I was a SUPER POWER MOMMA yesterday I wonder why? It was because it's my day and I took a lots of pictures different faces of me as a mother and it represents how happy I am and enjoy it.
All, I can say motherhood is always a special gift for me and endless sacrifice but worth it every single thing out of it. Every pains, tears, sadness, happiness and most of all works and sacrifices are all worthwhile and great achievements in life that every woman has to desire and get it. There is no one perfect way to be a good mother, Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. The choice are different and unique for each mother and each family. Many are able to be "full-time momma," at least during the most formative years of their children's lives, and many others would like to be. Some may have to work part- or full-time; some may work at home; some may divide their lives into periods of home and family and work.
What matters is? that a MOTHER LOVES her children deeply and, in keeping with the devotion she has for God and her husband, prioritizes them above else. We need to remember that the full commitment of motherhood and of putting children fist can be difficult. There are moments of great joy and incredible fulfillment, but there are also moments of a sense of inadequacy, monotony, and frustrations.
Mothers may feel they receive little or no appreciation for the choice they have made. Sometimes even husbands seem to have no idea of the demands upon their wives.
All I can say, I and You as a MOMMA, has a special role into this world to fulfill! Be happy and embrace the beauty of the motherhood.
Until next time...Here's some pictures that I took yesterday! Enjoy! Until next time...
Carnival Weekend

Last Saturday, May 10, 2008......A day before mother's day I had a fun and unexpected experience we went to the Carnival actually there it was kinda of unexpected for me we did not plan on it but my husband needs some parts pipe since he had to fix the pipe so we decide to had a trip to Flora Wal-Mart and the carnival was there since there was a store who had a Grand opening during the weekend and they had the Carnival going on. It's been a long time ever since I had a ride with Ferris Wheel so I did it last Saturday with some other young guy who was there alreayd at the sit since my doesn't like to ride because he had also a bad experience he got sick and it was like 38 years ago when he had an experience after that experience he never did ride anymore so I went ahead and also children are not allowed so I did it with somebody else while my family was watching over me I kept screaming and closing my eyes and said " Oh no I don't wanna die " I still have young childre and husband needs me. I was really scared and nervous especially when it goes high and bounce down and stop goes again high I was really scared to death that I was afraid that was the end of my life thinking that what if there's going to be a mechanical problem and here I am I was stock way on the top and my family was way down. And thank heaven it turns out okey no motion sickness and I am glad to be out and did it okey. So, I and Tisha my oldest daughter went first a ride with Berry Go Round since my youngest daughter forgot to wear her shoes she can't go with us and my husband was to tall and big to be in there so he decide to be with Misty and we went go ahead it was okey we did not got dizzy it turns out okey and we came out okey my daughter enjoyed it. Each ride cost $1.75 per person but it was fun and worth the experience! Then, we did the Super Slide, Misty's with me onto my lap and Tisha's with Brad onto his lap and it was fun and Misty's scared at first when we were going down so fast she started to freak out and cried she might thought that's the end of her world. And so, after that since we still had two tickets left so, we let Tisha ride the car and she enjoyed it by herself while we are watching since there's always a restricted hegiht. And so one more ticket left we tried to let Tisha ride on a Dragon Wagon but she can't since she's the only one so I decided to use the ticket for myself to ride on the CATAPULT, oh boy! I tell what I was sick after when I did that ride very worse I kept throwing up on our way to home at car the good thing I was smart enough to got a used cap in the trash can instead of puking at the car seat I puked it all out at the used cap. I got a motion sickness on that Catapult ride for me I was being tortured on that ride and said to myself I will never never ever do it again that was bad experience for me and wish I should never ride in the first place but I did it anyway. My husband warned me and ask me if I could handle it and I said Yes, I can but it turns out a big disaster to me good thing when we came home I got rested and in the middle of the night I've got better the motion sickness was gone. So, with that ride that I had I was alone and I kept closing my eyes and wanting so bad to STOP it because I can't handle it anymore for the tortured that I felt all over my body but I have no choice to wait until will stop. So, lesson to learn don't do it again or I might die next time that's why I told to my dear husband that if I had a heart disease I might died on that ride experience that I did and he said oh yeah for sure no doubt about it! Anyway, if I am going to rate it during that day it was good time despite of the motion sickness that I've felt and that's one of our favorite thing to do as family bonding time and having fun so we came home around 7:30p.m. and we've just got lucky that the rain did not pours unto us since when we were there at the carnival the rain starts to sprinkle. Anyway, that was really a good mother's day presence that my husband give to me ahead of time. He is such a good husband, very supportive and most of all he loves me and our children. He always seeks good things that her family could enjoy it and we appreciate it. So, that's all for now...I attach here some fotos we took during our carnival weekend. Enjoy and have fun as much as I do during that day just never mind the throwing part that I experience....hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....
Everything About Mom
Here's some ideas that you can make to your MOM for mother's day this coming Sunday. I hope it will help.
Have everyone spend some time writing in their journals about Mom. Use the following list as prompts and record as many details as possible about the memory or experience.
1. What is your funniest memory of Mom?
2. What lesson that she taught you stands out?
3. What is your favorite characteristic or personality trait about Mom?
4. What do you see in yourself that came from her, physically or in your personality?
5. List as many things as possible that she has done for you.
Use what you wrote to make your own personal card to give to Mom on Mother's Day, or find and cut out images of from magazines and make a collage illustrating the memories.
Have everyone spend some time writing in their journals about Mom. Use the following list as prompts and record as many details as possible about the memory or experience.
1. What is your funniest memory of Mom?
2. What lesson that she taught you stands out?
3. What is your favorite characteristic or personality trait about Mom?
4. What do you see in yourself that came from her, physically or in your personality?
5. List as many things as possible that she has done for you.
Use what you wrote to make your own personal card to give to Mom on Mother's Day, or find and cut out images of from magazines and make a collage illustrating the memories.
When Did Your Journey Begin????
When was the first time you said to yourself: wow, I'm a mom? Was it the first time you held your baby? Or soothed away her tears? Maybe it was when you realized how much better your home office looks as a nursery.
It's different for every woman and can happen at any time, but every mother has a moment when, all of a sudden, it hits you and you truly understand what it feels like to be a mom.
When was your moment? When, all of a sudden, everything felt different. And you looked at the world with a brand new life, as a completely different person – through the eyes of a mother.
It might have been when you felt the first kick, or maybe it was months after bringing her home. It's different for every woman.....
Where great joy is accompanied by immense responsibility, and what you now look for in a purse is its ability to double as a diaper bag.
It's different for every woman and can happen at any time, but every mother has a moment when, all of a sudden, it hits you and you truly understand what it feels like to be a mom.
When was your moment? When, all of a sudden, everything felt different. And you looked at the world with a brand new life, as a completely different person – through the eyes of a mother.
It might have been when you felt the first kick, or maybe it was months after bringing her home. It's different for every woman.....
Where great joy is accompanied by immense responsibility, and what you now look for in a purse is its ability to double as a diaper bag.

Last Monday, Cinco de Mayo, I had a chance to pay a visit to the Arch @ St.Louis before my fingerprinting. It was fun and worth it since that was my first time to see the place I've been here for four years but I decided to wait my two girls to be born here on earth before I will visit the arch because I wanted them to be there also eventhough they might don't know how to appreciate it but in later time they will. All I can say, it's such a beautiful place and fantastic architecture. I also love that structure and the view from up there imagine 630 feet and 190 m, so beautiful and that's how God's creations looks from above; I just hope everybody would see it from there and be awed how much God loves us that He has provided us these things and yet we disregarded them and are so careless about them that they just get destroyed and wasted--how ungrateful we can be! We spent there for two hours since we have to leave for my fingerprinting at 1:00 p.m. I was just so thankful on that day it was really beautiful and we had a great time together as a family that is one of the things that we enjoyed together. Eventhough that day day we spent $54 but worth it you know if we want pleasure in life we have to spend money but the important thing is the experience!
Then, on that day also after my fingerprinting we were able to visit at Jay International Food Store we bought lots of Filipino foods and vegetables for at least three months food supply consumption so I am very much happy about it too. Finally, I had fish and vegetables and of course my husband's favorite was the Chippy can't miss that but sad to say there's no red chippy's that our favorite. And also I bough a dozen of ripe and sweet mangoes for $11.95. So it was all worth it and a beautiful day for us. Thank God for the many many countless blessings each day that he pours in our family and I appreciate it every seconds, minutes and hours! Until next time...Here's some pictures to look that we took during our visits to the ARCH please enjoy!
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